Faith +Mindfulness: Resource for Faith-Filled Teens

Mindfulness Activity for Faith-Filled Teens and Pre-Teens 

Science is finding that mindfulness, the focusing of your awareness on the present moment while also acknowledging and accepting your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations can be a powerful tool in the battle against depression and anxiety. Learning to breathe in a focused way and become aware of what’s going on inside of you is one of the first steps you can take to better mental health. 

Start this activity by getting in a comfortable position, whatever that looks like for you. A nice chair, on the floor, in a beanbag…whatever feels comfy and cozy for you and your body.

Begin to notice your breath. Bring your attention to your inhales and your exhales focusing solely on bringing air in and allowing it out of your body. Humans breathe an average of 26,000 breaths a day. However, a whole week can go by without us even noticing one single breath. Give your breath that focused attention now.

After a few moments of simply noticing your breath, begin to deepen your inhale and lengthen your exhale. Breathe in through your nose filling up your stomach and chest and then out through your mouth as if you’re breathing out through a straw. Continue to breathe like this, bringing your attention each inhale, to every exhale. 

Your breath is a super power. In fact, your breath is one of the most basic ways that you can connect with your true self and with your higher power. With every breath you can let your higher power in and breathe stress out. Job 33:4 says,  “The Spirit of God has made you, the breath of the Almighty has given you life.”

Continue to focus on your breath know that the breath of God is flowing through you. As you breathe in and out you may find thoughts come and go, they may be negative, they may be positive,  they may be curiosities. Whatever they are, acknowledge them. Allow them to be there for a moment and then just slowly return to focusing solely on your inhale and on your exhale.

Now, gently, take your attention from your breath to your physical self. Begin to scan your body from the top of your head all the way down through the bottom of your feet. Notice any sensations your body feels as you travel from your head to your forehead to your face to your eyes to your jaw to your neck to your shoulders through your arms and your fingers through your back to your chest to your stomach to your seat down your legs and your calves to your ankles and feet and out through your toes. Notice what your body is telling you today. Noticed the sensations and breathe. 

Meditate on these words as you breathe. From Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them.  The Lord your God goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you”.

Isaiah 41:10 says, “Do not fear for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Breathe in while meditating on these words, breathe out the worries your mind and body carry. 

(Adapted from a recent LifeTeen Lesson on depression and anxiety)

Check out this video for more information on Mindfulness practice!

Everyday Mindfulness for Teens--YouTube


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